Karelia Cottages
Karelia Cottages is a small company that specializes in renting villas. The purpose of the project is to enhance usability, revise the visual appearance, and update the technology. The project involves Mockup design and UX improvements using Figma, iterative design, and user interviews. It is an ongoing project and has not been implemented yet.
Figma | Prototypes | Service Design
Karelia Cottages - MockupFame Helsinki OY
Fame Helsinki is a provider of IT services, specializing in software development and UX-design. In this project, I worked as a UX designer, responsible for creating the visual look and coding. The website prioritized performance and accessibility, achieving a Lighthouse score of 100% even on mobile devices. For added enjoyment, we implemented both a dark and a light theme, giving users the option to switch between them. Throughout the design process, I utilized Figma for creating interactive prototypes and iteratively refined the final result.
Figma | Prototypes | Eleventy | Accessibility | Nunjucks | Markdown | Vanilja JS | CSS
Fame.fiVegan products
Vegan products collects plant-based products from several producers on different platforms. I worked as an UX- and Graphic designer including illustrations and icon-design. I also implemented the frontend of the site and part of the backend. The website is implemented with Next.js and Drupal.
Figma | Usability tests | Next.js | Headless Drupal
Vegaanituotteet.netVegan challenge
The vegan challenge encourages people to try and switch to a plant-based diet. I designed and implemented the recipe search for the vegan challenge, so that it would be easier to find and filter recipes on the site.
Figma | React | ReactiveSearch | Drupal
Vegaanihaaste.fiSiemenpuu, Muutosvaihtoehdot
Muutosvaihtoehdot was a development and design project in purpose to harmonize styles, improved usability and user experience, and made the page more accessible.
WordPress | Divi | JavaScript | Accessibility
Muutosvaihtoehdot.fiOwn :) portfolio-page
This is a personal project designed and coded by me. I hope you get an idea of my work and experience. If you got interested, get in touch. The website is implemented with Next.js
Figma | Next.js
HomeUniversity projects
I have studied Computer Science and Human and Computer Interaction at the University of Tampere. The courses included projects in cooperation with different companies. I worked as an UX and ui designer and frontend coder.
Figma | Sketch | InVision | React | User centered design | Surveys | Usability tests | Scenarios
Portfolio of the study projectsConsulting UX and coding
I have worked as a consultant from the role of frontend developer to fullstack developer and as an UX designer. The projects have been e-commerce and corporate websites.
Drupal | React | Figma | Wireframes | Prototypes | Accessibility
Versatile experience as a developer: backend and frontend development and mobile applications. My interest is more in frontend and mobile development. To learn more about coding experience and my multidisciplinary background as a biology researcher and teacher, check out LinkedIn.
Next.js | React and React Native | Drupal